Heavenly Father,
On this Palm Sunday Morning , at the beginning of Holy week, we consider your journey to the Cross and all You sacrificed for our redemption, taking our sins and dying for us that we might live with you in glory. Help us to walk with You.
We come to you to ask for your blessing on our world, our land and ourselves, These are dark and trying times, Lord, times of panic, grief and great fear. Thousands have died, thousands are ill and thousands more will become ill of the corona virus. We do not understand the hows, whys and wherefores of this pandemic.
Large parts of the world are in lock down as we wait for what we do not know. Lord, Bless us
We pray particularly for all those on the frontline of the battle, all healthcare workers ,exhausted, risking their lives and their families to care for others, many thousands of volunteers offering their services to help. The scientists working tirelessly to find a vaccine to help curb the spread of this disease. All others in essential services keeping law and order, providing power, water and sanitation, safety and all working in the food industry and shops to keep us fed. Bless and protect them that they may know the power and comfort of your care. Be with all who are ill and give them comfort
We are in lockdown, Lord, a time to reflect , keep apart from one another , obey the considered orders from our leaders and above all to pray. For many thousands of our citizens keeping apart, and practising healthy hygiene are just not possible. Our government can only do their best to provide protection. Gracious Lord, Bless us.
We pray for ourselves . Lord in this time of isolation help us to draw nearer to you, spend time in reflection, studying your word , keeping in touch with those whom we love and care for and for those who are alone and possibly fearful and in need of comfort. Bless those who find it difficult to be on their own, who need the company of others. Help the world to slow down , realise what is really important, that You are the God of all , our Creator who loves each of us very especially and that we are called to love one another as you have loved us
Lord God , you know us and our needs and you love us unconditionally . In time this will pass , much will have changed much will need to be renewed and reassessed, guide us all to follow Your way in the healing of the nations and the people in a better , cleaner, kinder way.
Bless us ,Lord and keep us safe. Amen
And now let us join together in saying the prayer that Jesus taught us;
Our Father who art in heaven
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespassers
As we forgive those that trespass against us
And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil
For Thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory for ever and ever
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