Monday, 6 April 2020

Holy Week: Monday Devotion

This mornings Monday Devotion. May you be blessed this week as we walk in Jesus's footsteps to the cross.

Holy God,  
We have all fallen short of Your love, distanced ourselves from You and denied the truth of our shortcomings to ourselves and others and so damaging relationships with those whom we love and with whom we interact.
Forgive us ,Lord.

You are a great and compassionate God who knows and loves us. Fill us with Your Holy Spirit, to enable us to face our weaknesses, our lack of honesty with ourselves and others, to mend fences and to move on , walking in Your Way with You always beside us.
Bless us lord and keep us safe.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Liz, Norma and Anne - lovely - God Bless. We miss you all on the mountain and send love and best wishes from Cape Town. Keep well all.
