Sunday, 12 April 2020

Easter Sunday 2020: Jesus has risen!!

This morning we celebrate Easter Sunday and rejoice!! Our lord has risen!! The grave is empty!!

 Our prayer intercession:

Gracious God

As we contemplate the empty tomb and the enormous implications of the Resurrection, we rejoice and celebrate.

He who was dead is alive , He who was buried is risen, He who has conquered death has set us free from the power of eternal darkness.

Let the whole world rejoice and proclaim that Jesus Christ our lord has risen today in glory.

We pray for our world, all those whose lives have been turned upside down since the outbreak of the Corona virus pandemic . We bring to You those wonderful people who continue to care for the sick, provide essential services and those working to develop strategies to keep their countries functioning and safe.

Our lives can never be the same, Lord, may this be a chance to change for the good, for a new beginning to view others with compassion tolerance and love and to recognise You in each other.

Lord , In our country the extension of the lockdown is accepted as necessary, but for many the isolation it is regarded with fear and dismay.

Many families are confined in small places and tensions are inevitable between each individual. Help us to look on one another with gentleness and kindness, particularly children who often bear the brunt of adult frustration.

For those spending 5 weeks alone this can be a terrifying and lonely prospect. For those suffering from mental difficulties the confinement could become intolerable, We pray for comfort and forbearance. Help us to keep in touch with those whom we know are in need of a kind and encouraging word.

Bless us Lord and keep us safe. Look kindly on us and may we always remember to be kind.

And now let us say together the prayer that Jesus taught us;

Our Father in heaven

Hallowed be Your name

Your Kingdom come on earth as it is in Heaven

Give us today our daily bread

And forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us,

Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil.

For the Kingdom , the Power and the Glory are Yours

now and for ever


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