Sunday, 26 December 2021

Sunday 26 December: Boxing day service

This morning our boxing day virtual service is lead by Rev Barry Wittstock and family. May you all have a blessed and peaceful Sunday. 

Saturday, 25 December 2021

Have a blessed Christmas! 25 December 2021

 We wish all our congregants and amazingly blessed Christmas. May you feel the presence and love of our Lord Jesus today and every day during this festive season. 

Sunday, 12 September 2021

Sunday Service 12 September 2021

 This mornings service is an Anglican service lead by Rev Liz Thomas. 

(Apologies for the unstable footage-I forgot my stand at home. The internet also let us down at times)

If it does not load, please watch it on Facebook

Sunday, 5 September 2021

Sondag 5 September 2021

 Vanoggend se diens is in Afrikaans en word gelei deur Prof Leon Van Niekerk.

As die video nie laai nie, kyk dit asseblief op Facebook

Friday, 30 July 2021

We are back at the chapel for services!

From this Sunday, 1 August, we will be back at our favourite chapel for Sunday Services. We just remind everybody that all Covid protocols have to be observed. This means that we can only accommodate 30 people and social distancing has to be observed. Wear your mask and sanitize when entering the chapel.

Die diens Sondag sal in Afrikaans wees en word gelei dur Professor Leon Van Niekerk. Ons sal die diens uitsaai via ons Facebook blad en ons website 

Sunday, 18 July 2021

Sunday 18 July 2021

Join Norma and the team for this morning's service. The message this morning is "Our mind is so powerful  ….. it controls the way we conduct our lives

Sunday, 11 July 2021

Sunday service 11 July 2021 An uncomfortable message

 Join Liz and the team this for this  morning's service from a cold and chilly Hogsback, for an uncomfortable message. Enjoy and stay save!

Sunday, 4 July 2021

Sondag 4 Julie 2021 Virtuele diens: Bokse vol herinnerings

Vanoggend se diens is in Afrikaans en word gelei deur Ds Hendrien van Vliet van Fort Beaufort.  

Ons onthou ook vanggend een van ons geliefde Hogsbackians, Ben Bester wat verlede Sondag oorlede is na a lang stryd met kanker. Voel vry om a boodskap te laat op sy Gedenkmuur hier:

Sunday, 27 June 2021

Sunday Morning service 27 June 2021- Sadness and Hope

 This morning Rev Barry Whitstock will be leading our virtual service from St Patrick on the Hill. The message is about sadness and hope. We also pay tribute to Dr Johan. 

Tuesday, 22 June 2021

Memorial service for Dr Johan

The St Patrick on the Hill Community mourn the loss of our doctor, Johan Delport.  He will forever be in our hearts. We know he is safely in the arms of Jesus. 

Feel free to leave a message on Dr Johan’s Memory wall.

Sunday, 20 June 2021

Sunday service 20th June 2021: The struggles in life

Due to the high incidence of Covid 19 in our little village and the onset of the third wave, we have decided to go virtual again again for a while until things have settled down. We invite you all to join us this morning virtually for a message by Anne and Norma. The theme is very apt and deals with how we can cope with the struggles in life.


Thursday, 1 April 2021

Easter Services 2021

We want to wish everybody a blessed Easter, and a new joy about Jesus conquering death and redeeming our sins. 

We will have two services this weekend at St Patrick's Chapel. On  Good Friday (2 April) we will meet at the Chapel at 12 noon for a quiet service with readings, music and reflection on what happened 2,000 years ago, which changed the world forever! The service will be facilitated by Rev Liz Thomas.

Our Easter Sunday Service on 4 April will be at the normal time at 10am and will be taken Rev Barry Wittstock. 

All are most welcome.

Thursday, 11 March 2021

Vestry Report by our church warden Trevor Webster


A reminder that we will be holding our Vestry meeting this Sunday at St Patrick on the Hill, straight after the service. All invited. If you want to nominate someone for the Council, please contact Trevor. Here follows the Warden's report for 2021. 


From March 2020 until February 2021 St Patrick’s has had virtual services broadcast by Maggie Verster with the ministry team of Dr Norma Fivaz, Ann Webster, Barry and Lyndon Wittstockand Rev Liz Thomas. The broadcast services were professionally done and attracted a greater congregation far and wide. Unfortunately, Liz can’t be with us for vestry, as she is on sick leave.


The last actual Vestry was held in 2019 at which the following were elected: Trevor Webster (Warden), Quinton Dick (Alternate Warden, Treasurer and Gardens), Rev Liz Thomas (Priest), Dr Norma Fivaz (Lay Minister and Pianist), Ann Webster (Lay Minister, Sacristan and Pianist), Carol Nieth (Weddings), Maggie Verster (Blogpage, communication), Helen Fox and Ansie Klaassen (pastoral care, flowers). At the virtual Vestry of 2020 Jan Delport was elected. All The members have continued loyally, showing commitment in spite of the services being only virtual. In any democratic organization it is vital to have regular elections, which will happen at Vestry this year on Sunday 14 March 2021.   

Worship and Services

We are very privileged to have Rev Dr Liz Thomas as resident priest and two committed lay ministers: Dr Norma van Niekerk and Ann Webster. We are a small congregation of different denominations and we all participate in the different services. The flower arrangements are beautifully done, organised by Ansie Klaassen. Our chapel continues to be a much-visited gem in Hogsback. The Prayer Trail has become a major source of comfort for those needing to pray or meditate. Many visitors regard the chapel and Prayer Trail as a priority in their visits to Hogsback, especially as the chapel is open throughout the day. The Monday Bible Study group is a powerful worship group.

Community and Care: We donate on a regular basis to Hobbiton and Jikani. Ansie visits those in need and our lay ministers use the discretionary fund to help those in need. The blogpage and WhatsApp groups run by Maggie are very effective in reaching a further congregation not living in Hogsback. Maggie has been brilliant in reaching people through technology during lockdown.

The community identifies with the chapel by using it for memorial services, baptisms and weddings and the Wall of Remembrance, although these have not been active during lockdown.  


We are fortunate in having Quinton Dick as treasurer. We donate much of our income from tithing to worthy causes locally, in addition to paying our Diocesan assessment. We have maintained and improved our assets, especially our garden. Whatever has been done has been done to the glory of God. In spite of not receiving collections because there have not been services, we have been able to maintain our commitments. Our financial statements are presented for comment, if necessary, and acceptance by the congregation.


There have not been weddings during lockdown.

Buildings and Gardens:  

The gardens are looking particularly beautiful thanks to the supervision of Quinton and others. We were able to cover the thatch with netting wire to protect it from baboon foraging. All this is appreciated by visitors who are constant visitors.


The Hogsback United Church Fellowship property and assets are looked after by the Council and are not owned by St Patrick’s. The property is up for sale.


Although the congregation of St Patrick’s is a shining example of service, we realize that there are challenges. We are grateful that we can do as much as we do as each of us has a limited time-span in this village. We appreciate the opportunity and joy to be able to be part of this beautiful, iconic chapel, celebrated daily by visitors from all over the world.  

Thank you

Trevor Webster

Chapel Warden

14 March 2021

Sunday, 14 February 2021

Sunday 14 February 2021- How does beauty shape our view of the world

 This morning's sermon is lead by Norma and Anne and they look at how beauty shape our view of the world. Where do we find beauty and how do we find it? Come and join us. 

From next week we will be meeting at the Chapel and resuming our normal services. 

Saturday, 13 February 2021

February 2021Chapel Newsletter

 Dear Members of St Patrick’s

This Sunday, 14th February, Valentine’s Day, will be our final virtual Service! It will be taken by Norma and Ann with Maggie organizing. What a team! They have maintained services throughout this difficult time and reached a wide congregation outside Hogsback! Thank you. Please visit our webpage to enjoy the service.

From 21st February we shall have services in the chapel. Please bring your mask and enjoy worshipping together. Although there will not be tea, we hope congregants will greet one another after the service.

The Services on Sundays at 10am for February and March are:

14th February; Valentine’s Day, virtual service led by Norma and Ann; Ash Wednesday 17th

21st February; Norma and Ann

28th February; Rev Barry Wittstock

7th March; in Afrikaans Ds Hendrien van Vliet from Fort Beaufort

14th March; Annual Vestry and Election of Councillors after service led by Norma and Ann, Reports by Chairman, Priest and Treasurer’s Income Statement and Budget for 2021. (During 2020 we lost income from collections, but our tithing was generous enough to pay the diocesan assessment, Jubilee expenses, cover the thatch with netting wire and donate to those local bodies we tithe to. If you would like to tithe, please pay your contribution to our chapel bank account mentioning your name and the word tithe: St Patrick’s Chapel Council, Std Bank, 050319, a/c 082147493.

21st March: Norma and Ann

28th March; Rev Barry Wittstock

2nd April Good Friday; 4th April Easter Sunday service in Afrikaans taken by Ds Leon van Niekerk


Thank you. 

Trevor Webster; 

Chapel Warden

Sunday, 7 February 2021

Sondag 7 Februarie 2021 -Regverdigmaking en heiligmaking

Vanoggend se Afrikaans diens word gelei deur een van ons Hogsbackians, Charl Botha. As julle wil inskakel op meer afrikaanse goeie nuus van Lewe Lig, besoek gerus sy Youtube kanaal en Facebook tuiste:

Sunday, 31 January 2021

Sunday 31st January 2021 Faith as a bridge in a time of crises

 Join Norma, Anne and Maggie for this mornings virtual service from St Patrick on the Hill. We are looking at how you can use your faith as a bridge in a time of crises. 

Thursday, 28 January 2021

Prayer week: Day 4- Looking Down

Today is our last day of reflection on God's faithfulness. Today we will look down. Join us for this short reflection. May you be blessed. 

Tuesday, 26 January 2021

Prayer week -Tuesday- Day 2: Looking forward on 2021

Today we will be exploring God's faithfulness by looking forward to 2021. Join Norma and Charl in this short meditation. 

Monday, 25 January 2021

St Patrick on the Hill Week of prayer: Day 1: Looking back on 2020

We invite you all to join us for a week of prayer and short morning devotions lead by Charl Botha and Norma Fivaz. Now more than ever we need become quiet each morning, humble ourselves and offer ourselves collectively to our Father as we explore God's faithfulness.   We will start of today by looking back on 2020...

Sunday, 24 January 2021

Sunday Service 24th January 2021

 This morning God God gives us a gentle reminder that we have to allow Him to transform us!! Thank you so much Barry and Lyndon for your service to St Patrick on the Hill. 

Friday, 22 January 2021

Join our online prayer week

We will be holding a prayer week from Monday the 25th of January to Thursday the 28th January ONLINE here on our website at The daily devotional time will be lead by Charl Botha and Norma Fivaz at 8 am every morning. So remember to join us every day as we pray...

January 2021 Chapel Newsletter

 Dear Members of St Patrick’s, 

Thank you to our excellent Ministry Broadcast Team As physical services have been discontinued for the foreseeable future, we are grateful to Maggie Verster and her team who broadcast services every Sunday at 10am. Please visit our webpage to enjoy the services. The services are led by the minister for the week: 

  • 1st Sunday Afrikaans (Leon or Hendrien); 
  • 2nd and 5th Sunday Liz; 
  • 3rd Sunday Norma/Ann; 
  • 4th Sunday Barry. 

Thank you to those in the congregation who continue to tithe and so enable the chapel to pay its assessment to the Diocese and donate to some of our beneficiaries. I am afraid that, until we have ‘herd immunity’ through the majority being vaccinated, we will not be able to have chapel services and therefore receive collections again. The chapel income is dependent on our tithes. For those who have not yet tithed to the chapel to do God’s work, we ask you to consider doing so. It’s easy: just pay your contribution to our chapel bank account mentioning your name and the word tithe: 

  • St Patrick’s Chapel Council, Std Bank, 050319, a/c 082147493. 
Our gardens and chapel continue to be cared for beautifully and are still visited by passersby and tourists. Their complimentary comments show the impact a visit to St Patrick’s makes on them.

Our resident ministers. Liz Thomas, our parish priest, is recovering from surgery in Johannesburg. We look forward to her return. Welcome to Father Matthias who is from Uganda and staying in Hogsback on sabbatical. 

A very warm welcome to Rev Barry and Linden Wittstock who have been part of St Patrick’s since he was the priest in Fort Beaufort many years ago. Of recent years he has travelled from St Mark’s in Cambridge to lead the 4th Sunday service each month. He and Linden are now living in their retirement home, On Eagle’s Wings, and gardening, along with their son, 2 Jonathan. 

Welcome to Charl Botha, a trained DRC dominee. After leading a number of congregations, he moved into online music ministry and motivational speaking. He has now moved to Hogsback where he lives at Serendipity. He will broadcast daily Christian messages on the St Patrick’s webpage next week. Please look out for the announcement. 

We are aware that some of our congregation have been seriously ill. We wish them a speedy recovery. We thank members of the congregation who have been able to help the needy in many ways. 

The next Council meeting will be on Thursday 11 February at 3:30 at Hidden Away. We had planned Vestry (AGM) to be on Sunday 14 March but as we do not have services, we shall probably have Vestry virtually and send out the reports of the treasurer, chapel warden and priest. We need to ask our councillors if they are prepared to stand for another year and if there are further proposals for members to be councillors. 

The Monday Bible Study continues to be active on Monday afternoons – any interested are welcome. 

Trevor Webster 
Chapel Warden

Sunday, 17 January 2021

Sunday 17th January- Hope in the midst of a crises

 This morning Norma talks to us about how to find hope in the middle of a crises. Thank you Anne, Lizzie, Trevor and Maggie for readings and prayers. 

Sunday, 10 January 2021

Sunday 10 January 2021 New Beginnings

 This morning's sermon is by our darling Liz supported by Naomi and Gerhard and Anne. The service will be available at 10am on our website. It is all about new beginnings!!

Sunday, 3 January 2021

Sondag 3 Januarie 2021

 Welcome to the first service of 2021! May you have a blessed year filled with the joy, peace and the certainty of Jesus amid an uncertain future.

Vanoggend  se Afrikaanse diens gelei deur Ds Hendrien de Vliet.