Sunday, 20 January 2019

Sunday service: He ever lives to make intercession (Heb 7:25)

 Reading: Psalm 121, Heb 7:23-28

We are spending a lot of time in the process of leaving; so did Jesus – he prepared the disciples (Jn 14-16, which includes five sections on the Spirit).  But leaving is a preparation for the future!  So what then? What Would Jesus Do?

Jesus was not idle! He continues to work (Jn 5:17). Although He sat down (Heb 10:12), it was not because he stopped; many sit to work.  It was to relate to His Father.  Indeed he continued to work by sending the Spirit - and us!

In particular, Jesus prayed. If he did, how much more we should!  Indeed, prayer is essential - it is GOD who works! But if we do not ask … can we expect blessing?

Indeed, He is able to save … since he prays (Heb 7:25). His salvation is both then and now (Ps 121), and to the uttermost (cf Lk 13:11).  Note it is for those who likewise pray.  Why is this, and why did Jesus have to pray?

The answer is that prayer is a natural aspect of relating.  Jesus naturally shared his concerns with his father, so his intercession for us is entirely natural.  And so it is for us - those who are saved are those in relation to God.  The relation is twofold, to God, and to Church and world. So Jesus interceded as both son of God, son of man; and the same is true for us.

Jesus prayed as the Son of God, and we can as we are adopted children of God.  So his intercession is an aspect of care for family.  He loves!  Are we concerned enough? For our natural family; for God’s family?

Then Jesus prayed as the high priest – a theme of the book.  But also all believers are priests! Do we adequately represent people to God? Do we adequately represent God to people - show the holiness that He died to give us?

Prayer a privilege for us now – it is a foretaste of the glory that we will have.  Is this our experience?  It can be!

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