Our next member of the St Patrick’s congregation to profile
is Terence Barber. Terence is an East Londoner, having been born in the Mater
Dei hospital in 1958, the son of Noel and Colleen Barber. His schooling was at Selborne,
from Sub A to Matric where he showed great talent at gymnastics. Of interest,
is the fact that Terence was taught by Ann in Std 1 and taught by Trevor in
Matric in 1976.
As a 7-year old
Terence imagined himself as a muscular lifesaver; today he has proved himself in
many different ways
A major influence on his life
was attending Hobbiton in Std 2. The nature and freedom of Hogsback made an
impact on him which he hankered after throughout his life. He realized how much
he disliked city water. Terence learnt many plumbing and mechanical skills from
his Dad. After school he joined the Merchant Navy in Cape Town and went to sea.
He had two trips across to Europe but became upset with the style of life - too much drinking and, anyway, it was boring.
His adventures continued on the sea in a different way. He did ship repair work
and was the skipper for the flamenco boat in Simonstown, shown below. His
adventurous spirit resulted in his sailing solo across the Atlantic in a flamenco,
an 8m boat without an engine. He then
moved into long-distance trucking across the country.
The flamenco boat he
skippered across the Atlantic; the truck he drove in long-distance trucking parked
in front of his old school, Selborne College
Terence’s daughter, Candice Cotterill, lived with him while
he was at Hogsback. She now lives in East London and has a daughter, Katherine,
who is 8 months old, making Terence a grandfather.
Terence was able to fulfil his dream of living at Hogsback
in 2002. He spent seven years in a rented cottage with his daughter. He was able to do jobs in plumbing and
building and kept horses. He was devoted to the horses which multiplied to 13. Unfortunately,
in 2008, they were stolen while grazing near the microwave tower. He spent 6 months in 2015 in Mozambique where
he planted fruit trees.
His present home is in the veld at Bold Point which was a
farm and is now commonage. Sinjani and the Bold Point residents are happy for
him to stay there and no one bothers him.
In fact, like a 19th century trekboer, he can’t see his
neighbour’s fires! Previously, he spent three
years here. He loves the setting with the Elandsberg close by and the vista
across Michell’s Pass and the Kat valley. The natural surroundings offer a
spring close by where he is able to drink the pure, clear water.
The area Terence occupies is a km from the road in the open
grassland where a pine forest has been cut down. As one travels on the tracks to
his home one passes beautiful crowned cranes.
He has chosen a spot with an unused rondavel reservoir which he is
repairing and roofing. He has two small boats to remind him of his sea cruising
past. He lives in a tent close by under a tree. What a simple, natural and
awesome home!
A typical day starts when he wakes to the splendour of the
magnificent sunrise. He works on the rondavel
to erect a roof and drives to the village to do odd jobs. He is happy, satisfied,
his ‘own-man’. Is he lonely? No, he is content. He described the lot of the
sailor who has left his boat, he is ‘on
the beach’, waiting for his ship to come in.
Terence’s temporary
home is a tent in the veld where he is able to fulfill himself in the beauty of the
Hogsback nature
I came away
from my visit to Terence absolutely awed by his humility, courage and his acceptance
of his lot.
April 2018
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