Sunday, 27 December 2020
Sunday 27 December 2020
Friday, 25 December 2020
Christmas morning 2020
Welcome from a sunny Hogsback on this blessed Christmas day 25 December 2020. Please join for our online Christmas reflection lead by Barry and Lyndon, who has managed to put this lovely service together in the midst of them moving to Hogsback permanently.
Thursday, 24 December 2020
Carol Service 2020
Thank you for joining us for this joyous occasion, even if it has to happen online! May you be blessed by looking with new eyes at the birth of Christ through song and readings.
Our festive season services
All our services will be held online over this festive season. Please come and join us here at
Sunday, 20 December 2020
Sunday 20 Decenber 2020 God's covenant with us
This morning we look at how Jesus's coming renewed God's covenant with us. The service team this morning are Norma, Mark, Ann, Trevor and Maggie.
Sunday, 13 December 2020
Sunday 13 December 2020 Wait and respond
We are back to doing virtual services! Due to the increase in corona virus infections, we have decided to return to doing digital services. We must be a little bit out of practice as we had many challenges, from load shedding to internet problems and the video being blocked on YouTube. But fear not as our God is faithful!! Thank you to Liz, Ann, Helen and Lizzie for making this service possible.
Saturday, 12 December 2020
St Patrick-on-the-Hill December 2020 Newsletter
What a strange Year!
We celebrated our 85th Jubilee in March with the visit of our Guest of Honour, Rev Margaret Fourie; immediately afterwards Covid-19 enforced lockdown with excellent virtual services organised by Maggie Verster until the end of September; and since then, from October, we have had chapel services following protocols. Remarkably, we have not missed a Sunday service and were able to reach a wide congregation with our broadcast services. Our ministry team has been outstanding in cautiously, but professionally, maintaining worship! We have even had weddings and a baptism.
Even though we have resumed our face to face services for the last month, we have had to make the decision to return to virtual services due to the second wave of carona. This Sunday’s service (13th Dec) will therefore be broadcast with no chapel service). Although we would like to maintain chapel services especially for the positive morale they bring, we shall only do so if practical and safe. We shall let you know if there will be changes.
Our Christmas Services are planned to be in the gardens:
- 5:30 Thursday 24th December: Carols
- 10am Friday 25th December: Family Service
Please bring chairs and follow protocols. Wear masks and sanitise
The St Patrick’s Council wishes all a Happy Christmas and a Great New Year.
Trevor Webster; Chapel Warden