Sunday, 30 August 2020

Sunday 30 August Service

 This morning's Anglican service is lead by Rev Barry Whittstock and his wife Lyndon. Just a reminder that we will be resuming normal services in the beginning of October. 

Saturday, 22 August 2020

Reminder that we are joining the Bible Society at 10am for the bicentennial thanksgiving service

This Sunday we will not be having our normal Sunday online service, but will be joining the Bible Society of South Africa for their 200th Birthday celebration over the weekend of 22-23 August 2020. 

The Thanksgiving Service that will be broadcast live on BSSA’s Facebook and Youtube channels on Sunday 23 August at 10am SAST (8am GMT). An online Songs of Praise that will be broadcast on BSSA’s Facebook and Youtube channels on Sunday 23 August at 3pm SAST (1pm GMT).

We would love you to join us for all or any of the celebration events. The proceeds from the Run/Walk for Hope will go towards The Bible Society's special bicentennial project, 2 Million Bibles for South and Southern Africa: Should God lay it on your heart to make a Birthday Gift to the Bible Society in thanksgiving to God for the availability of the Bible in all of our languages, affordable to all and in all needed formats, please do so via This too will ensure that more people who need God’s Word will receive Bibles in their own heart languages. 

The Bible Society's mission of providing affordable Bibles, with the Bible as their foundation and driven by the Great Commission, the following values direct all their activities – integrity, trust, respect, service, accountability – so that all may experience the life-giving message of the Word. You can download the Celebrations invitation here:

Sunday, 16 August 2020

Sunday 16 August Service: Compassion

This morning Norma looks at how compassion manifest and how we can be inspired by Jesus and Joseph to practice compassion in our daily lives. 

Thursday, 13 August 2020

Tribute to Neil Cooper, 14 December 1927-11 August 2020


Neil, with his daughters Corinne and Julie, on the occasion of his 90th birthday party at Arminel

Neil, with his daughters Corinne and Julie, on the occasion of his 90th birthday party at Arminel

On Tuesday 11 August 2020 Neil Cooper passed away after a long illness, leaving behind an impressive reputation as a successful businessman in Alice and a legacy of service to community.

Neil Cooper was the minister for the St Patrick’s first service of the month. For years he loyally drove up the mountain from Fort Beaufort to take the service. His favourite sermon revolved around the importance of leaders to have integrity and to serve their people, especially as accountability was lacking in our democracy. Neil, himself, was an example of integrity and selfless service to society. He did not accept travel allowance to travel to St Patrick’s but would pass the chapel’s donation to his Alice Church. The words of his favourite hymns say so much about his values: Love Divine, all love’s excelling; Guide me, O Thou Great Jehovah and O Jesus, I have promised to serve Thee to the end.

O Jesus, I have promised to serve Thee to the end;
Be Thou forever near me, my Master and my Friend;
I shall not fear the battle if Thou art by my side,
Nor wander from the pathway if Thou wilt be my Guide.

Neil was a legend as a successful businessman in Alice. He owned properties which he would rent and managed the Cooper Brothers in Alice to become a very reputable commercial business. From this sound anchor, Neil could help the many needy organizations that came to his door for help. He was a major contributor to worthy causes, gave of his expertise and time to lead bodies like SANTA, and many others. Many individuals appreciated Neil’s generosity: tenants who were given space when they could not pay their rental and needy who were helped. His kindness was noted.

Neil’s strength of character showed commitment in focussing on priorities, working hard, maintaining strong principles, helping others in need, and showing love to his family. Neil served society; showed generosity to people in need; and was a loving family man. He loved his wife, Jean, dearly; he was proud of his daughters, Corinne and Julie and her husband Gary, and enjoyed time with his grandchildren, Laura and Liam.

Neil’s message to us is important. He reminded us through his example and preaching that humility, faith, hard work and integrity are the basics of life. He would quote the missionaries that had built up the famous institutions of Lovedale and Fort Hare as being humble people who were models of good living. These values have been forgotten and need to be revived.

Rest in Peace, Neil.