Ez 33:1-9,
1 Tim 2:1-8
It is always so sad to stand in front of the church and see empty pews. Why do people not come? (but thanks to those who do!) This demands the question...
Why are we here? What do people want?
They want fellowship, music, to feel God, all good reasons, but really secondary. The essence of Christianity is to relate to God, and to yield to Him. The Bible’s favourite title for God is “LORD”, in both Testaments. In salvation, we are transferred to His Kingdom. So there is a question …
What does God want us to be if he is Lord? 1 Timothy 2:2 gives an answer: Quiet and peaceable, Godly and respectful. In short, in HARMONY with others and with God! In this we reflect the nature of God as Trinity, three Persons in full harmony – we are in His image – incidentally 3 Persons are ONE God (1 Tim 2:6).
What does God want us to have (1 Tim 2:4)? He desires the salvation of all, and that all have the knowledge of the truth, in short, LIFE! – both for now and forever. Again as in his image, this reflects the nature of God, who is life.
This is what God wants; what has He done (1 Tim 2:6-7)? Thank Him for that! God sent His son, to teach and die so we know how to live now and forever. AND God sent His servants, which also means us.
So what should WE do? Obviously seek to live right and proclaim, but Paul puts something else FIRST of all (1 Tim 2:1), our priority …
- Pray! It is God’s work that we need
For all, even those we do not like, irritate us, harm us etc. For rulers, even those who misrule, are corrupt, even persecute. Remember the emperor at the time was Nero
This means that we have a responsibility; we are called to stand in breach to ask God not to bring judgement on those who deserve it (Ps 106:23, Ex 32:7-14)
We are watchmen Ez 22:30, 33:1-20
We are intercessors 1 Sam 12:23
But if we do not …, then we answer to God
Are we serious? If he is our LORD, we MUST pray! Indeed, we must supplicate (1 Tim 2:1), so urge, beseech, implore!