Sunday, 20 December 2015

Father of the Son

John 5:19

The wonder of Christmas is that Jesus is the son of God; God made families to reflect himself.  Genesis I tells us that we were made male and female in his image.  Then Jesus became human, being born into a human family.  Christmas is a family time, and very rightly.

Of course, families are not just a wonderful means of relationship; children produce more children. We become children of God through Christ, the son of God (1 Jn 3:2). We are God's family, so seeing what it means for Jesus to be Son of God helps us to reflect that.

Son derives from the Father. We derive our being from our parents.  Thus Jesus is fully God as son of His Father and fully human as son of Mary.  It is only because He has this dual nature that He is able to be our sacrifice.

In the same way, our new spiritual life derives from God. Just as the Spirit came on Mary to enable the incarnation, so we receive new birth by the Spirit.
But there is one big difference from a human birth, which reflects the divine nature of Jesus; He receives in an eternal giving.  So once we have received Christ we must then constantly be filled!

Son is like the Father. We are naturally like our fathers, and Jesus shows what God is like.  The word "son" in the Bible often denotes likeness eg Acts 4:36

When we become Christian, we are naturally like our heavenly Father.  However we can also choose to deliberately imitate him, becoming more like him.  That is good, as it is easier to live with somebody you are like.  Remember that we will be with him forever, so get like him now!

Son is in harmony with the Father. Because of the interaction between Father and Son in the Trinity, they are equal, and always in agreement.  Jesus says, "I always do the will of my Father" (Jn 8:29).

Likewise, as God's children we should be in harmony with God (1 Jn 3:3).  It should be our aim to both will and do what He wants.  In the Trinity, the harmonious relation is facilitated by the Spirit, who also then works to conform us to God.

God sent His Son at Christmas to serve him and to build His Church, and as children of God, he sends us likewise.

Sermon by Prof David T Williams

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Services December to March 2016

December 2015 (sidesmen Carol Neith/Tonya Burton)
Sunday 6th, 10am                United                    Neil Cooper
Sunday 13th, 10am              Anglican                 Rev Margaret Fourie
Sunday 20th, 10am              Baptist                    Prof David Williams/Rev Graham Langley
Wednesday 23rd 7pm          Street Carols         Rev Margaret Fourie (Arminel to VIC)
Thursday 24th, 5:30pm        Carols                     Ann Webster/Dr Norma Fivaz
Thursday 24th, 11pm           Midnight                Rev Margaret Fourie
Friday 25th, 8am                   Anglican                 Rev Margaret Fourie; 10am Arboretum Rev Graham Langley   
Sunday 27th, 10am              Anglican                 Rev Dr Liz Thomas

January 2016 (sidesmen Chris/Keri Evertson)
Sunday 3rd, 10am                English                    Neil Cooper
Sunday 10th, 10am              Anglican                 Rev Margaret Fourie
Sunday 17th, 10am               Baptist                    Prof David Williiams
Sunday 24th, 10am              Anglican                 Rev Margaret Fourie

February 2016 (sidesmen Stuart/Lindi Dewing)
Sunday 7th, 10am                Afrikaans               Dr Ds Leon van Niekerk
Sunday 14th, 10am              Anglican                 Rev Margaret Fourie
Sunday 21st, 10am              Baptist                    Prof David Williams (Council meeting 18th)
Sunday 28th, 10am              Anglican                 Rev Margaret Fourie

March 2016 (sidesmen Harold/Irene Nicholls/Jenny Kluckow)
Sunday 6th, 10am                United                    Neil Cooper
Sunday 13th, 10am              Anglican                 Rev Margaret Fourie
Sunday 20th, 10am              Baptist                    Prof David Williams
Friday 25th, 12 noon            Good Friday          Rev Margaret Fourie; Thursday Passover Supper

Sunday 27th, 8am                Anglican                 Rev Dr Liz Thomas; 10am Arboretum Rev M Fourie

Christmas Services 2015

Wednesday 23rd December: 7 pm:

 Lights and Carols Walk from the Arminel to Swallow Tail Caravan Park, bring torches and sing while you walk.

Thursday 24th December 5:30 PM
Carol and Crib Service in St Patrick’s Chapel.Please come early to get a seat for this family carol service on Christmas Eve.

Thursday 24th December:11 pm
Midnight Mass in St Patrick’s Chapel

Friday 25th December
  • 8 am: Christmas Communion Service in St Patrick’s Chapel led by Rev Margaret Fourie
  • 10am Christmas Family Service in Arboretum led by Rev Graham Langley, Bring a cushion, come early. In case of inclement weather the service will be in St Patrick’s Chapel.

All Sunday Church Services are held at 10am